
Debbie Murphy

Welcome and thank you for visiting!  Debbie Murphy is an experienced Realtor with over 20 years of buying and selling many homes in the San Jose/Silicon Valley area.  Listening to your needs is the most important thing she does so she can build a teamwork approach for your successful real estate transaction whether you are selling a property or buying one.   The goal is to make your experience as smooth as possible!

Success is measured in many ways, the most important to Debbie is having very happy and satisfied clients at the end of the transaction.

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*This is an estimate only and is not an appraisal. The CB Estimate®. provides an estimated market value of your home generated by a proprietary algorithm using aggregated data collected from third parties and public records and is intended to provide you with a general value of the property. The actual appraised value of any property may be higher or lower than the estimated market value provided by the CB Estimate®.